Originally delivered on 9/9/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: Brooks Blue 9/9/24

About the Brooks Blue

This e-newsletter is a publication of the Brooks School PTO. If you would like to submit an item to be published, please email Dipa Shah at: brooksblue@brooksptomedford.org

Please consider volunteering with the PTO!
The Brooks PTO is run by parent volunteers. We need your help and there are many ways to get involved depending on your interests, skills, and schedule! 

The PTO provides a bridge between the home and school so that parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators may work together to enhance and enrich the educational experience of all students. 

We have many committees on the PTO and are always looking for new members. Please see the link below for the committee sign-ups. There is a little information on each committee but if you have any questions please reach out to volunteer@brooksptomedford.org

Once the sign ups have been open for a while, any one who volunteers will be connected with the committee chairs. We cannot make the school year a success without the help of our Brooks Families.

Sign-up here:

Classroom Coordinators Needed

We are seeking volunteers to be the classroom coordinator for their child’s class. The classroom coordinator helps to communicate the wants/needs of the classroom teacher to all of the families. They may also choose to collect contributions for a classroom gift at the holidays, teacher appreciation, and/or at the end of the school year or any time in between. 

Occasionally the PTO might ask for your help sharing information with classes about the Readathon or collecting t-shirt sizes for Field Day, etc. 

If you are interested in taking on this task, please sign up via the sign-up genius link below. Feel free to email volunteer@brooksptomedford.org with any questions.


At least one coordinator is needed per classroom, however there are 2 slots available if more than one parent is interested.

Fall Fest Volunteers Needed

Our beloved Fall Fest 2024 is on October 6th and it takes an army of volunteers to ensure everything runs smoothly. Please consider signing up for more than one shift using the link below. Please remember that you have to be signed in to Membership Toolkit in order to sign up. https://brooksptomedford.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/136135

We also welcome alumni volunteers who are in middle school, or high school.  If you know of a student interested in volunteering, please send this form to their parent or guardian: https://forms.gle/BotKrGFMop5k7cDB9

Volunteering is more fun with friends - encourage a friend to join you! All adult volunteers get tickets (4 for 2-hr slots and 10 for 4-hrs) and student volunteers get 2 slices of pizza and a bottle of water. If you have any questions, please contact the Fall Fest Volunteer Coordinator: Shreya Bhattacharyya at shreya.bhattacharyya@gmail.com or the Fall Fest Chair, Renee D'Agata at Fundraising@brooksptomedford.org

Fall Fest Tickets on Sale Now!

The Brooks PTO wants ALL families to participate in Fall Fest so if buying tickets isn’t in the family budget at this moment, please email fundraising@brooksptomedford.org and the PTO will make sure that your child gets tickets at no charge. Your request will be confidential. There is also free tickets available for parents that sign up for volunteer slots that day.


Curriculum Night - Sept 11, 5:30-7:30pm

Caregivers of Brooks Elementary students are invited to the school to meet your students' teachers! Note that this is an adults only event.

Each teacher will present the same information twice so that no matter which time slot an adult attends they will receive the same information. 

This allows families that have multiple children to meet with more than one teacher. You will learn all about your child's classroom and the curriculum that will be covered throughout the school year. 

This is not a conference evening, so we ask that if you have any questions or comments regarding your child that you contact the teacher to speak at another time.

5:30 - 5:55 Homeroom teachers

6:00 - 6:25 Specialists and Small Group teachers

6:30 - 6:55 Homeroom teachers repeat session for those who did not attend the first session

7:00 - 7:25 Specialists and Small Group teachers repeat session for those who did not attend the first session

7:30 Closing Remarks

First Food Drive of the Year! Fri, Oct 4th
  • Send contributions in with your student any day of the week leading up to the food drive.

  • Place items in a bag labeled with your student's teacher's name to receive credit in the Can Man competition!

  • You can also donate personal care items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc.

  • Glass containers, perishable items, or cash contributions cannot be accepted.

Interested in joining the Helping Hands committee? Email

Thank you for your generosity!

PTO Directory & Communications

The PTO uses a platform called Membership Toolkit to reach out to the school community. Please remember to update your family’s information and add your child's new teacher to Membership Toolkit. 

Once you have updated your info, you can: 

  • Access your class list and find Brooks friends with the Family Directory
  • Receive the Brooks Blue PTO newsletter & important school communications
  • Purchase tickets for Fall Fest!

To update your info, log into Membership Toolkit:


If you are no longer part of the school community, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this email.

If you know any families who are new to the Brooks, please forward this information to them.

Please note: if the app isn't working for you, try logging in on a web browser to update your information. The app should work after you do this. 

Need help? email communications@brooksptomedford.org


Sept 11 - Curriculum Night

Sept 18 - Early Dismissal

Oct 3 - No School

Oct 4 - Food Drive

Oct 6 - Fall Fest

Oct 14 - No School

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